TURKEY 05.06.2021
Local EM events will be arranged in April, May, and June. For club participation, Strava will be encouraged. During Move Week 2021, there will be walking and running events.
There will be close communication with at least 5 universities to organize flaghsihp events in 5 cities that indicate interest from the 50 institutions that have been invited to participate in the campaign.
Find Your Mile in Turkey! Muğla, İzmir, İstanbul, Ankara, Gaziantep, Bursa, Mersin, Bilecik, Erzurum, Edirne, Hatay, Balıkesir, Denizli, Manisa, Antalya, Çanakkale, Burdur and active district municipalities will support The European Mile.
The target audiences will be decided primarily by the stakeholders and event organizers involved. Municipalities, federations, universities, YOK – the Higher Education Council, SKB – the Healthy Cities Association, and TBB – the Union for Turkish Municipalities will be among them.
The inhabitants will go back to physical activity with walking, running or rolling with support of the municipalities, Youth and Sports Provincial Directorates, public authorities, etc. Hiking, running and cycling activities will be organised on at least three Sundays in summer months.
Main Partners:
The EUROPEAN MILE is one of our brand new events, that we are organising, as an official European Week of Sport event. The concept of the EUROPEAN MILE is designed to build a bridge between ISCA and European Week of Sport. It will focus on using public streets for citizens’ activities and mobility, and thus celebrate both the heathy and environmentally friendly modes of transport, and the broader benefits of physical activity. In addition, EUROPEAN MILE is part of the year-round ISCA campaign NowWeMOVE, which has the vision of getting 100 million more Europeans active in sport or physical activity by 2020.