ROMANIA 05.06.2021
European Mile will take place in Romania in various locations and geographical regions. The start will be given in Suceava with the help of the athletes from the Sport High School and the clubs from the city.
The event will then spread to:
Following the collaboration with the Save the Children organization, we will try to mobilize as many people as possible to run on eco routes and then donate miles to buy incubators for premature babies in hospitals in the region.
Depending on the pandemic conditions, we will try to organize an event in the Republic of Moldova or in Ukraine.
The EUROPEAN MILE is one of our brand new events, that we are organising, as an official European Week of Sport event. The concept of the EUROPEAN MILE is designed to build a bridge between ISCA and European Week of Sport. It will focus on using public streets for citizens’ activities and mobility, and thus celebrate both the heathy and environmentally friendly modes of transport, and the broader benefits of physical activity. In addition, EUROPEAN MILE is part of the year-round ISCA campaign NowWeMOVE, which has the vision of getting 100 million more Europeans active in sport or physical activity by 2020.