European Mile Lithuania 05.06.2021

Where Lithuania
When 05.06.2021

The European Mile in Lithuania proved walking, running or cycling are not only tools to stay physically active, to use cheap and ecological means of transport, but also to take care about the environment and their local community. Like the participants of one of the events that decided to clean up the rubbish during the mileage.

Other participants experienced The European Mile was not only an event promoting physical activity, but also an opportunity to develop creativity and thinking outside the box. They faced a challenge of drawing the Lithuania map on a movement tracking mobile application.

Main Partners:

  • LKSKA “Nemunas”
  • Lithuanian centre of non-formal youth education
  • Zarasu city
  • Palangos city
Mindaugas Levickis, LKSKA "Nernunas" Coordinator European Mile - Lithuania Lithuania


The EUROPEAN MILE is one of our brand new events, that we are organising, as an official European Week of Sport event. The concept of the EUROPEAN MILE is designed to build a bridge between ISCA and European Week of Sport. It will focus on using public streets for citizens’ activities and mobility, and thus celebrate both the heathy and environmentally friendly modes of transport, and the broader benefits of physical activity. In addition, EUROPEAN MILE is part of the year-round ISCA campaign NowWeMOVE, which has the vision of getting 100 million more Europeans active in sport or physical activity by 2020.


Mile Donation Challenge Partners

Communication Partner

The European Mile National Coordinators

Supported by