HUNGARY 15.05.2021
The European Mile in Hungary will run between 15 may 2021 – 30 June 2021. 20 schools have been invited to participate in the EM Event where they will have the oppotunity to run their own event coordinated and customised by them. The HSSF will host an in house motivation campaign when they join the and help boost sporting events in the land.
More than 20 schools all over Hungary, namely at the following cities/towns: Pécs,Kunszállás, Kaposvár, Budapest,Berettyóújfalu, Körmend, Mezőtúr, Adony,Szentlőrinckáta, Orosháza, Nagyrécse, Felgyő, Ajka, Eger, Dombrád, Rábatamás,Kazincbarcika, Hernádnémeti, Szécsény, Tárkány, Bonyhá will give students a platform FIND THEIR MILE by by running, walking, biking, rolling or any other way! They will be equally supported by their teachers and headmasters.
HSSF will invite schools all over Hungary to join European Mile initiation and to do atleast 1 mile distance with school children with any kind of movements. More than 20 events will be realized between15 May and15 June, including running,walking, cycling, hiking tours with the children.
School communities will have a chance to get back into physical activity at an easy pace by amplifying the benefits of short distance running, walking and rolling for physical health and rebuilding fitness after a year of lockdowns.
Main Partners:
The EUROPEAN MILE is one of our brand new events, that we are organising, as an official European Week of Sport event. The concept of the EUROPEAN MILE is designed to build a bridge between ISCA and European Week of Sport. It will focus on using public streets for citizens’ activities and mobility, and thus celebrate both the heathy and environmentally friendly modes of transport, and the broader benefits of physical activity. In addition, EUROPEAN MILE is part of the year-round ISCA campaign NowWeMOVE, which has the vision of getting 100 million more Europeans active in sport or physical activity by 2020.